
Friday, April 1, 2011

The Great 'Simple Living' Survey

This is a survey from the Simplicity Institute that Green Living Australia is supporting. If this fit you, please use the link provided and give us a hand.

“If you live a 'simple' lifestyle in one way or another, we need your help!

The Simplicity Institute is an organization dedicated to research and policy analysis around the topic of simple living, downshifting, and similar lifestyles. This research is profoundly important as it touches the core of global problems such as climate change, over-consumption, work-life balance and a host of other social and ecological issues.
The Simplicity Institute's current research project is focused on people who have chosen a 'simpler' lifestyle, including changes such as reduced or restrained income, reduced consumption or reduced working hours.

If this sounds like you, then you are part of the most promising social movement on the planet. Learning more about people like you is therefore extremely important, so if you can spare 4 minutes to answer some quick questions then please do! As an added incentive, if you participate you'll go into the draw to win an exciting collection of the finest literature on 'simple living'.

To learn more and help build a better future, click below:
Dr. Simon H. Ussher

Director and Co-Founder

Simplicity Institute”

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